Just in time for the July 4th weekend here in the states digital photography school dot com has put up a great article on how to photograph fireworks. So, camera happy people (you know who you are… Tami), read up, and get prepared for next week!
Month: June 2006
I think the water bottle is the coolest.
If you think people talking on their little bluetooth headsets look like lunatics just wait until this new headset from Motorola hits the streets. Motorola’s Lilliputian H5 will make LA look like it’s out of lithium.

We were at the wedding of our friend Leo and I noticed this signage at the entrance to the wedding hall.
Congratulations Leslie and Jason!
Last night we attended the wedding of our good friends Leslie and Jason. It was a beautiful ceremony at the Greenbriar Inn in Boulder, Colorado. The weather was perfect and the setting was beautiful.
After the wedding we went to a piano bar called The Reef. We were expecting a place for the wedding party to hang out, talk and listen to some music. We instead discovered a boisterous review music ranging from the 60’s to present day with a little humor mixed in and lots of audience sing along encouraged. If you’re in Boulder, stop by there on a Saturday night with a group of friends ready to have fun.
Steve got tired of having his bank charge him fees so he instituted his own set of fees… when the bank called him to verify a wire transfer he informed them of the $5 fee for calling him to verify the transfer. Read the transcript on his blog for the exchange he had with the bank rep.
I suppose this helps explain why I feel guilty after eating a Big Mac.
Picture courtesy of Phillip Holmes of Shane Griffin images.
Here’s something which amuses me
Some things I found interesting in Ireland
We returned from our House hunting trip on May 23rd and there were a few things which stood out to me:
- In the summer the sun stays up a long time – we were getting ready for bed at 9:30pm and had a great view of the sunset from our hotel room.
- The vast majority of rentals are furnished – I suppose if you don’t own a place, why own furniture? We felt lucky to find an unfurnished place for rent that fit our needs.
- Not everything is open on the weekend – we were hoping to get a tour of rental properties on the Saturday we were there, we had to opt for Friday and Monday instead.
- Movies have reserved seating – we found the same thing in London and loved it. When you buy your movie ticket you pick a seat too. We were able to buy a ticket at 3:50 for a 3:45 showing of MI 3 and have a good seat with no issues (we just missed a preview or two, no big whoop).