
My first SharePoint post is up: Linking images in SharePoint

Building the next version of a product is great fun, but being able to help existing users makes me feel like I’m doing more than building a product and tossing it over the wall.

If you’ve ever tried to hyperlink an image in Windows SharePoint using the rich text editor you’ll know that you can’t do it.  SharePoint Server 2007 (the one that ties in more closely with Office 2007) has a slightly different text editor and you can link an image the same way you’d expect in other apps (click the image then click the link button). WSS, however, doesn’t make it that easy.  If you’ve ever struggled with it you should check out my post: Linking images in SharePoint.

You want the quick summary? Create a hyperlink then insert your image in the middle (remove the extra text when you’re done).



A Reference Library For SharePoint Developers

If you’re looking for a great starting place for finding SharePoint information, then check out the SharePoint Learning Resources site.  It’s a searchable resource for both developers and IT workers and even offers feeds so you can stay up to date on the latest additions.

Perhaps this weekend I’ll curl up with a warm laptop and do a little light reading.