
A great toy for kids who don’t like imaginary stuff

Do your children like to wait in line and get hassled by disgruntled minimum-wage government employees?  The perfect toy has arrived just in time for this holiday season: the Playmobile security check-in play set.

This toy comes with an x-ray machine, metal detector, scanning wand, guards, a passenger and, of course, two guns.  Rookie traveler with Texas-sized belt-buckle, pocket knife, cell phone, nail clippers and briefcase (with laptop and boarding pass still inside) sold separately.

Idle Toys Web Weird


When I was a kid… aw heck, I’m still a kid.

Let me start again, when I was 9 my G.I. Joes used to “hang out” with my sister’s Barbie dolls (hey, I was 9, give me a break).  I can’t imagine, however, a Jesus Action Figure doing the same thing. 


Perhaps I just need to wait for the Mary Magdalene doll.

Toys Weird

Impressive Lego chops: a full-scale harpsichord.

I simply don’t have the attention span for this kind of task: a Lego harpsichord. Two years in the making, this plastic pre-piano really plays pretty parts.